Long – Term Insurance Adviser – NQF Level 5
QCTO Learnership

Course overview
A Long Term Insurance Adviser NQF Level 5 advises clients regarding the use of long term insurance products to sustain and protect wealth. The growth of the financial services industry is dependent on the training and education of staff that will be able to provide professional financial services to people across the nation.
This qualification will therefore support the National Development Plan and will contribute towards job creation and social harmony; it provides the basis for entry into the industry.
Entry Requirements
To enroll in the course, participants must have:
Learning Outcomes
This qualification is the result of an industry process where the current unit standard based qualifications are being re-aligned into Occupational Qualifications. The qualification caters for building competence at Levels 5 and 6.
There are three-part qualifications enabling the development of new entrants into the occupation and then catering for the further development as the employees specialise and eventually grow to become fully fledged Financial Advisors.
The effective use of wealth creation tools to grow wealth is essential for the protection and wellbeing of citizens. This industry provides an essential service in support of the development of the country and the achievement of the National Development Plan’s objectives, development of the country and the achievement of the National Development Plan objectives.
Learning Assumed To Be In Place And Recognition Of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): RPL for Access to the External Integrated Summative Assessment: Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result or certifying a work experience record.
Long Term Insurance Adviser Certification
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded an Occupational Certificate: Long Term Insurance Adviser from the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). This certification validates the skills and knowledge acquired during the program.
International Comparability
The two qualifications identified were:
Professional Diploma in Insurance academic programme-designation Certified Insurance Practitioner (CIP).